Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Update 12/28

So Christmas has come and gone.  Mitch is still listening to Christmas music. **sigh**  
I finally got in the Christmas spirt around, oh.... Christmas Eve.  LOL   I got some good stuff- a new phone, a Kindle Fire, some new leather shoes and some fancy perfume.  Jordan got all Polo stuff, so he was happy.  Mitch got some overalls, some new shirts, some Bama lounge pants and some high dollar cologne.  The most important thing was he was here this year. And so was I.

I had my 4th chemo yesterday.  I'm bouncing off the walls today (thank you, steroids). I gave both yorkies MUCH NEEDED baths and have done about 45 loads of laundry. Well, not that many- but close.  Last night I couldn't sleep. My body was tired, but my mind was in overdrive. I hate that.  I thought I'd be tired today, but no such luck. 

I met with my nurse practitioner yesterday, Katie.  I love her.  She said I was doing better than expected on the chemo and kept asking if I was having different side effects and I was proud to answer "not yet" to every one of them.  No neuropathy. No mouth sores. No nausea. No constipation or diarrhea, no changes in appetite.....  so far I have only gotten a little tired on days 3 & 4 after treatment.  **knock on wood**    She thinks I will still be backed off one of my drugs soon-- said there was no need to keep "hittin' me hard" if it wasn't necessary.  It sort of makes me nervous to back down... I don't want this cancer thinking we're letting up on it.

I have a PET scan coming up so we'll see how the cancer is responding to the chemo.  PLEASE PRAY IT HAS SHRUNK!!!  

That is about all that has happened lately....  I know,  not too exciting, huh?  LOL  
Well... just about ALL of my hair has come out now.  I am sporting a hat most days (only late at night, when I'm totally by myself do I prance around in all my baldness... lol)  I just can't get used to not having hair up there.  :(  

Thanks for the continued prayers and support.... it means the world to me.  And I want to thank my husband for being beside me every step of the way.   :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Catching up....

Wow.... I can't believe I haven't updated this in so long.  I'll try to remember the important stuff.

I had a birthday. Monday, December 12, I turned 40.  It wasn't that bad.   I happen to share my birthday with a friend of mine, Heather Jeffreys,  so Mitch and I met her and her boyfriend & family members at Ricatoni's.   I had been dreading turning 40, but after being diagnosed,  my outlook has changed a little and it wasn't so bad to turn 40 afterall.

I went to Nashville on Tuesday, Dec. 13 and met with my kidney doctor.   He was awesome.  He pretty much told me not to worry about my kidney issue.  We are just going to watch it for the next 6 months.  He said the only way to take care of the kidney issue is surgery and that would mean stopping my chemo, which we don't want to do.  He said the lesion is so small, he isn't going to worry with it at this time and they would just keep an eye on it and if any changes develop, we'll deal with them then.
I then met with Dr. Meyer, my oncologist.  She went over the biopsy results of my spine.   Seems the spot on my spine IS related to the breast cancer, so that puts me at Stage 4. Not curable.  :(     From that point on, everything she said was kinda foggy.  I was really hoping NOT to be Stage 4.  Well.. it is what it is.   She mentioned I would have to be on some sort of treatment from now on.  (I assumed CHEMO, which would mean NO HAIR EVER, but my dad pointed out that she never said it would be chemo.. it could just be a pill or something.  There I go, assuming the worst. lol)     She changed my regiment from ever week for 6 weeks  to once a week for 3 weeks then take the 4th week off.  Then start over.   She also mentioned that she might be backing off one of my chemo meds since I seem to be responding so well already.  Since I have triple negative,  its harder to find meds that the cancer responds to so she pretty much said she'd rather back off one of the meds now, than keep me on it and then in a year or so, be scrambling around trying to find another medicine I'll respond to.  Makes sense, I guess. 
I had a benefit on December 17 at FloBama. Our friends Mike Current (Puppy) and Brenda Aldridge & Blaine Cantrell planned it.  Several of my friends put together a silent auction. I made a speech.  (LOL) A "famous" called on a local sports radio show agreed to be the Emcee ... I was honored to have The Legend there.  Several musician friends agreed to perform.  Byron Green.  Blaine Cantrell & John Crosslin.  My husband, Mitch, and Toby Aderhold.  Max Russell & the Shakedown Kings, and The Alabama Blues Brothers.  After the Blues Brothers, it was sort of an open jam session.. Mitch and Bobby Aday did a few.  Mitch and Jeff Moore did a few.  It was a long night, but it was a good night.  It was a night I will always remember.  My friends really went above and beyond to make it special.  My best friend from Memphis came home.  My uncle from FL drove up and my cousin from New York was there.  My cheeks were sore from smiling so much.  I wore my long wig and as uncomfortable as it was...  I was able to leave it on the whole night. lol  
We raised a little over $4400  with donations, T-shirt sales and the auction. 
The next day, I slept.  Til 2pm.  LOL    Talk about EXHAUSTED.

Monday, my uncle and cousin were still in town so we went to a little place in Sheffield called The Box Car Cafe.   Its my favorite breakfast place.  They have the best hash browns ever.  They are more like fried potato shavings....  not some frozen hashbrown patty dumped in a fry daddy.  YUM.   We then visited the Helen Keller Birthplace.   I don't see how I've lived here all my life and never visited this place. It was quite interesting.  I was unaware that Helen Keller had 14 books published in 50 different languages and graduated from Radcliffe with honors.  ( I went to UNA for 3 years and never finished.... lol)   I am also glad we didn't get escorted off the premises after my cousin unlocked the gate and had his picture taken with the famous water pump.  LOL

I woke up this morning not feeling well at all.   It started about 3am.  I took an extra nausea pill around 6 and slept it off until around 1 today.  I have experienced severe stomach problems, headaches, fatigue, taste bud changes and most distrubing... hair loss.   :(     The hair I had left is now coming out at a pretty fast rate.  I now LOOK like a cancer patient.   Mitch said I look like a baby bird.  LOL    For some reason I just can't bring myself to shave off the rest.  I wear my black hat around the house just to keep from shedding hair everywhere... I guess if this keeps up  I will just go ahead and bring out the clippers.  :(

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday, Dec. 11

If one word could be used to describe my weekend, it would be "BLAH".   Mitch has worked all weekend, Jordan has stayed home all weekend (his choice... **shock**) and I have done nothing but lay around.  On a scale of 1-10, my energy level has been about a 4.  Just can't get going.  My tastebuds are changing.  Food is tasting different.  Kind of takes the fun out of eating. 
I still hate my new "haircut".  That's probably another reason I haven't felt like going anywhere or even having company.  I did have to force myself to go to Wal Mart yesterday to get Mitch something to take to work for lunch. I wore my wig.  HATED IT.  I didn't hate the wig itself,  its just hot, itchy and very uncomfortable.  I couldn't wait to get home and jerk it off.  So now, I guess I'm going to have to decide between appearance vs. comfort.  :/ 
I guess even though I am beginning to experience the effects of chemo, I should still be thankful its not worse than it is.  I have a few friends that post on FB about how sick they are from "red devil". I will probably have to have that at some point- and I'm not looking forward to it.

My birthday is tomorrow.  The big 4-0.   Blah. What do I want for my birthday?  To be well again, and have my hair back.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hair today, gone tomorrow.....

Well. I did it.  I cut my hair.  I no longer have long, straight blonde hair.  Its short and brown and spikey.  The process was emotional.  My dear friend Paige brushing it, sectioning it off into 1 inch sections, putting rubber bands on it and finally, cutting each one off.  It didn't hurt, but I know I made a face each time one was cut. I could hear it being cut.  I forced a smile at times, but on the inside I was crumbling.
I have never been one to be that concerned with my looks... I wear minimal makeup and most of the time my hair was just thrown back in a messy ponytail. Oh how I'll miss that messy ponytail.

Some of my best friends showed up. One friend drove 45 minutes to be there. One friend missed her nursing shift to be there.  My husband was there. My son was there. My mom was there.  My dad even came.  When it was over... it was like the person looking back at me in the mirror wasn't me.  All the way home, I kept running my hands over my head and instead of them getting tangled in my hair, all I felt with this soft, velvety stuff on my head.  It actually FEELS good...  I am just not used to the way it looks.  LOL  I mean, I went from long and blonde to super short and brown.  Like *snaps* THAT.

I am posting a few pics from last night... and I want to thank everybody that was there for me. I know it wasn't easy for yall to see me go through this, but I'm glad you all did.  It helped me in more ways than yall will know.

I found this on the Internet and thought it was too cute not to share.

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror,and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
Well, she said, I think I'll braid my hair today!
So she did.
And she had A Wonderful Day!

The next day she woke up ,looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head
Hmmm, she said,I think I'll part my hair down the middle today!
so she did.
And she had a Grand Day!

 The next day she woke up,looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.

Well, she said,today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.

So she did. And she had a Fun Day!
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.

Yay! she exclaimed,

I don't have to fix my hair today!

Attitude is everything.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2nd chemo.... done.

Well, its been a while since I've updated.  A lot has happened.

I took my 1st chemo very well. Had virtually NO side effects until Saturday night around 8:30pm.  It hit me fast and hard.  I spent 2 hours in the bathroom with something coming out of one end or the other. (sorry...but its true)   Around 11:30 I walked down the hallway to get some Sprite and crackers and was met by one of my son's friends who was asking if he was home.  He had 30 minutes before curfew was up so I answered with "No, why would he be home early?"  LOL   It was then I learned that my son and his other friend had been jumped by a group of 3 guys and his friend wound up in the ER room while Jordan took off running on foot and nobody knew where he was.   Talk about making me feel sick all over again.  He is ok now...  so I won't bore you with the details of that ordeal.  It breaks my heart every time I think about it.

So I was sick Saturday night... felt like crap Sunday but felt better by Monday.   Tuesday (yesterday) was chemo #2.  Mitch had to work so I had 2 of my best friends offer to take me.  I have to say it was one of the best days I've had in a while. We talked all the way to N'ville (one person, in-particular... LOL ), Leeann and Marnie got to see the whole "infusion" process and kept me company while I was getting my treatment.  The benadryl bag got the best of me and as hard as it was to stay awake,  I just couldn't do it.  I think Leeann and Marnie went shopping a while during my  nap... I woke up and they were gone, and when I looked outside, I saw Leeann's car leaving the parking lot.  (LOL)   My nurse bragged on how great our friendship was and told me I was lucky to have such awesome friends.  I already knew that.  I told her I had several more at home that were just as special and I almost started crying when I got to thinking about how lucky I am to have so many great friends.  I mean, I wonder who would give up their entire day,  drive 2 & 1/2 hours to sit and watch me be hooked up to 5 different bags of medicine, sit there for another 2 hours while the stuff is pumped into my body, and then drive home 2 &1/2 hours???   Leeann and Marnie did it and I know there are several others that would do it too.  My husband has been with me almost every step of the way. He has missed several regular shifts and a few overtime shifts just to go with me to appointments. My (divorced) parents have been with me most of the time. My sister in Huntsville (with 4 small children at home) has sacrificed time away from her family to be with me on trips.  I am blessed beyond measure in so many ways.

Ok.. I got off track a little.  LOL    So, back to the "Girls Day Out at Camp Chemo"  ....   after my infusion was done, we hit the road back to Muscle Shoals. Or so we thought.  Since Leeann's On Star operator was being a b*tch, we had to rely on my cellphone's Navigation app to guide us home.  It failed.  We ended up riding around some quaint little city called Cornersville.  It only delayed our time by about 45 minutes. We laughed about being lost, about how Leeann would either burn us up or freeze us out... just being silly and spending some girl time together.  It made me forget why I even had to be in Nashville in the first place.

Today I have felt good... I'm sure it is the steroids. lol    The nurse did tell me yesterday that the best treatment for nausea is prevention.  SO, she wanted me to add 1/2 a Phenegran and an Ativan each night before going to bed.  So now, I take Zofran, Phenegran and Ativan.  I'm taking more medicine than my 88 yr old grandmother.  LOL  THANK GOD FOR INSURANCE.    (I shudder to think about how much each treatment is costing)

I suppose that is about all that has happened lately.   My next trip to Nashville will be a busy one.  Urologist appointment at 8am (to discuss my kidney issue), labs at 11, see my oncologist at 1 (to figure out the plan for the spot on my spine)  and my infusion at 1.   That will be my 3rd chemo and I'm curious to see how I'll be feeling. I hope no different than I am now.  My benefit will be that weekend so I am praying I'll feel like attending it.  I know a lot of people have gone to a lot of work for it and it should be pretty awesome.  :)

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I'll post a blog about it either tomorrow night or Friday.  I'm sure some of you already know-- but I just don't think I have it in me to write about it tonight.  Phenegran is kicking in.  lol  (I took a whole one tonight to counter the steroids) 

All in all..... I think I've done pretty well with the chemo. So far, so good.  :)

Love you all!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 2 after 1st chemo......

Well, I am still feeling pretty good. Not AS good as I did yesterday, so I know the steroids are probably wearing off.  I am a little draggy today, but I don't think it is chemo related.  A friend of mine brought over the Twilight movies and we attempted to have a movie marathon but by 2am, and the end of the 2nd movie... I was done.  LOL   SO... I am sure its related to just not getting much sleep.  I enjoyed it though and I can understand what all the fuss is about with those movies.  Just in case anyone is wondering... I'm Team Edward.  ;)

My cheeks have been a little flushed today and I've been a little hot.  I think that is due to me dressing like Ralphie from the Christmas story (in the coat)  this morning and then the weather warming up a little.. walking into a house that still had the heat on from last night...  yeah, so THAT isn't chemo related either.   (Funny how once you start on chemo... every little thing is magnified and you wonder if its a symptom of something)

I haven't had any stomach issues or nausea.  I am taking my anti-nausea medicine BY THE CLOCK.  And those that know me KNOW I hate swallowing pills.  But, I'm doing it.

I got a little bit of bad news last night.  My nurse practitioner called to check on me, and then let me know the results of my spine biopsy I had last week.  It did show cancer in the bone.  I figured that much, but was really hoping it wasn't.  It doesn't change anything as far as treatment goes at this point.  I was still a little upset by it, and then a dear friend of mine reminded me that the chemo has started, which is the most important thing.  This news didn't come out of left field and I need to keep doing what I'm doing and fight like hell to get through this.  (Thanks Tina....)

I have decided when the time comes, to have a double mastectomy.  Some people suggested only having one removed, but why keep a ticking time bomb (in my mind, anyway) when I would rather get 'em both whacked and start over with a fresh new (PERKY) pair.   I've heard that the double surgery isn't any worse than the single- so why not? lol

I am also making plans for when my hair starts to come out.  I'll disclose those plans when the time comes.  ;)

I appreciate everyone checking on me and I hope I'm not overdoing it with the blogs and FB posts.  I don't want to cram all this cancer stuff down everybody's throat all the time.  Its just easier to blog so everybody can see how I'm doing rather than answer 45 texts a day -- WHICH I DON'T MIND DOING.  I am NOT complaining about everyone's concern... so please don't take it that way.  LOL

I know I could not do this without everyone's support... so it really means a lot to me.  Thank you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First chemo video...

Not sure if this will work, but here is a video of my first chemo treatment.  I apologize in advance for :
1. my outfit being hideous.  I wanted to be comfortable, but it was not very flattering.
2. Mitch saying a cuss word.  At least it was a mild one.  I swear he was a sailor in a past life. LOL

Hope this works!

Oh, and if you've already seen this on FB, I apologize for repeating.   LOL 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chemo #1.. been there, done that.

Well. I had myself all worked up over nothing.  I just knew after my treatment was over, I would either be wheeled to the car in a wheelchair or carried out on a stretcher.  lol

I got to Vanderbilt Health Center around 11:30, signed in and almost immediately they took me back to have my port accessed and blood drawn. (got a video of it! haha)  The only pain I felt was the pressure of the nurse pushing on the port just a tad to get the needle in.   It is still a little tender, but its getting better every day.  For those that want to see exactly what it looks like.... 
 The only part I can feel is "A"... the little "button" that the needle goes in to.  (I wish I had those boobs!)


Got the blood drawn, and then I was sent to talk to Katie Sibler, the nurse practitioner.  My biopsy results aren't back yet from the T3 Process biopsy-- but she did go over all the side effects of the chemo meds.  She was very thorough.  She spent a lot of time with us and made us feel very at ease. 

After a bit of waiting, it was time for me to go to the infusion room.  It was a private room, with a large flatscreen TV on the wall.  The recliner was comfortable and there was an extra chair for some lucky person to keep me company in. I can pretty much do anything I want while getting my cocktail.  Text, watch TV, read, sleep, knit (if I knitted).  If I have to use the ladies room, I have to unplug the IV stand and walk it with me to the bathroom.  I am surprised I didn't trip over it and fall.  I made several trips.  Those fluids ran right through me.  I got Benadryl, Zofran, and Decadron.  Those were my pre-meds to prevent any sickness or allergic reaction.  Then came the fun stuff.  Taxol must have won the coin toss because it was first.  Then came Cisplatin.  All in all, it took a little over 4 hours.  My next treatment shouldn't take as long.

Mitch stayed with me most of the time (God I love that man).  My mom, dad, sister and even Jordan took turns coming in and keeping me company.  They won't be at every treatment, but the first one was important, so they were all there.

It is nearly midnight and I have been up since 5am.  I am not the least bit tired. (hello, steroids)  I know tomorrow I should feel ok but then Thursday I should start feeling the effects.  I do expect to be a little run-down feeling but I am really not going to plan on being completely knocked out.  We'll see. I will probably feel like I've been hit by a freight train in a few days... but fingers crossed I won't.

I will have my treatments every Tuesday.  My main doctor changed my regiment and instead of taking treatments once a week for 3 weeks and then taking a break... I'm going once a week for 6 weeks straight.  No break for me.  Not unless my levels start bottoming out.  I still have to learn about my blood count and all.  I was advised to watch my temperature. (Note to self: BUY A THERMOMETER)  If I have a fever over 100.4,  CALL THEM IMMEDIATELY.  

So far, so good.  Thank you for the continued support, thoughts and prayers.  They will be a huge in helping me win this battle.  I could not do this without my faith in God, my medical team, my family and my friends.  So, from the bottom of my heart.... THANK YOU.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just gotta deal with it....

Well, this is not exactly how I wanted to spend my holidays.  Thanksgiving is out of the way and Christmas is less than a month away.  I don't know how many chemos I'll have under my belt by then and I'm too lazy to figure it up at the moment. Math has never been my strong point, so I would probably miscalculate anyway.   I do know that my first treatment is Tuesday, Nov. 29.  That is 2 months to the day from when I was diagnosed.  I will have one treatment a week for 3 weeks, then take the 4th week "off".  Then start again. 

I am nervous, excited and praying my body responds to the poison I'll be getting. I have my good days and my bad days (wow.. my chemo hasnt even started yet..imagine my mood swings THEN!?) and I've run down my list of what I have done in my past that could have caused this.  I don't smoke. I am not a "drinker", although I do enjoy a Kaluha 'n Cream or Malibu and Sprite on occassion. I don't do tanning beds.  I didn't exercise like I should have. I don't eat very healthy.  I don't eat fruit.  I didn't have regular check ups when nothing was wrong....  bottom line is, no matter what I did or didn't do... I got cancer.  TWICE.  (remember my little episode with Hodgkin's Lymphoma when I was 19?) 

I have tried to live normally, since the only sign of me having cancer is this mass in my breast, a spot here and there (kidney & spine) and this aggravating port that was put in last week.  I get up, do what I normally do and pretend I'm ok.  Oh I've had my little meltdowns since September 29.... most of the time in the shower.  When nobody is around.  I stand there and cry, holding on to my hair, begging God to change His mind and let this all be a mistake.  But, I know He doesn't make mistakes.  He has a plan and there is a reason I'm about to go through this.  

Since my diagnosis, I have been blessed to have met so many new people... survivors.  Brenda Calhoun was probably the first person I spoke to that had been through it.  I'll never forget the first email she sent me.  She gave me the run down on what to expect.  I cried when reading it.  I didn't want those things to happen to me. I still don't.  But,  in order to get better- they have to happen.  She told me a few things that I will hold on to when things get bad.  1. It will not last forever.  2.  You can do anything for six months.  3. You will feel like you'd rather die, but don't you dare give in.

Chemo isn't going to be fun.  I dread it.  But, it has to happen in order for me to get well.  I know Mitch will be there every step of the way, and if by some chance he bails-- he won't get far. I know Leeann, Deana, Marnie, Deanna, Tina, Paige, Holly, Robin, Kelly and the rest of my friends will hunt him down and KILL HIM.  LOL  

Thanks to everybody who continues to check on me... I appreciate it more than you know.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Port is in....

I arrive at Vanderbilt about 8:15.  Everybody in the Interventional Radiology Department is super nice.  A man name Collin came in and explained everything that would be done in both the port placement and the spine biopsy.  He even bought out a port to show me exactly what it would look like and where it would go and what it did.  He sat back there in my room with us and talked with us for a while.... made it very comfortable. Mitch sat back there with me and having him with me helped a lot.  He has been my rock through this whole thing and just him being close to me does more for me than any pill I could take for anxiety. 

They came and wheeled me back to the procedure room and after administering the Fentanyl and Versed, I honestly dont remember anything.  I didn't feel anything.  Even after "coming to",  I still felt nothing.  I thought, "Hmmm,  this is alright!!"    I then was wheeled back to my waiting area and within a few minutes, someone comes to get me to take me to another procedure room for my spine biopsy.  I laid on my stomach (the port area was still numb so I didn't even feel it)   I remember just a small prick between my shoulders which was the numbing shot and then that was about it.  I vaguely remember some pushing and pressure I suppose when they were getting the biopsy from the bone, but there was no pain involved.  The next thing I know I was being wheeled back into the recovery area.   STILL NO PAIN AT ALL from either procedure. 

Mitch was handed a stack of paperwork, and after waiting about 30 minutes, I was free to go.  I didn't even have to use the wheelchair.. I just walked right out of there.   NO PAIN STILL. 

Well,  about an hour before getting home... the feeling started coming back.   And it came back fast.   My dad drove over some railroad tracks and I thought I was gonna scream.  LOL  

On a scale of 1-10, right now my pain is about a  7.5.    It feels extremely bruised and is very swollen.  It hurts to move my arm.  It hurts to cough (which I still am)   I took a percocet about an hour ago and its not even touching it.    I am going to lay down, but wanted to update this first. 

Thank you to everybody that has texted, called, and contacted me on FB to check on me.  It means a lot to know I'm being thought about and prayed for. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

A little progress, maybe.

First off, let me apologize for taking so long to update.

I did not have the kidney biopsy I talked about in the last post because they couldn't safely perform it.  It was such a small place, and in a very difficult location so they were afraid if they proceeded with it, more damage would be caused.  The terms "puncturing your bowel" and "knicking your liver" were mentioned.  Neither sounded pleasant so I was more than happy for THAT procedure to be cancelled.  Even though we spent 3 hours trying to get a good position (flipping me from side to side, repositioning my body on the table, etc..)  it just wouldn't work. They are basically just going to keep an eye on it and see if it responds to the chemo or not.

We then went to Jack's BBQ on Broadway (which is worth the drive alone, in my opinion)  and guess what? They were CLOSED due to a freaking water leak!  JUST MY LUCK.    It was just not my day.

So here we are on Monday, Nov. 21 and I guess the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  I called Vanderbilt twice this morning to check on things and I found out that not only am I scheduled for the spine biopsy (the T3 area) for Wednesday, but they are also going to put my port in that day as well.  I will have the port placement at 9:30.   YAY!!  Some progress FINALLY.   I am nervous and anxious about it, but I know it has to be done in order for me to start the chemo, which HOPEFULLY will be next week.  I am waiting on the scheduler to call me back and let me know when my first treatment will be.   I'm still supposed to take Taxol and Cisplatin.

So.. that is all I know as of now.  I'm going to try to do better on updating.  :/


They just called and my first chemo is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 29th  at 11:30.   Wow. My first infusion.  I guess this is really fixing to happen.  :/

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bring on the biopsy....

Well, I have the dreaded kidney biopsy in the morning.  We will be pulling out of here at 5:30am (yes, I said AM) and my appointment is at 10am.  No food or water past midnight.  I hate that part.  I am normally not hungry at 3am, but watch-- I will be starving at 3am. 

I will do my best to update tomorrow on how the procedure went.  Hopefully I won't feel a thing. **fingers crosssed**

I still have this aggravating cough.  I don't feel sick.  I think its just allergy/weather related.  I hope so, anyway.  Since my diagnosis, I am paranoid about EVERYTHING. 

Sorry for this being so short.  The dogs have destroyed the house... and I have lots of cleaning to do before my good friend, Deanna, comes over tomorrow to take care of them while I'm gone. 

Will update tomorrow!!  :)


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is this thing on????

Ok. I am a Facebooker, not a Blogger.  I am going to TRY this blogging thing just to save from clogging up my FB with cancer stuff.  Its much easier writing "notes", but I'm sure people are getting sick of it already. 
I will post this blog address on my FB and probably from now on, I will use THIS as a means of keeping everyone updated on my progress. I'm sure I'll have good days, and I'm sure I'll have not-so-good days.  Mitch will have access to this, so if you see a post starting out "Mitch here...."   then you'll know I must not be having a good day, and I apologize now for any language you might read.  His vocabulary is much more colorful than mine.  lol
Well... if you are reading this, then that means you must think enough about me to check on me, so thank you.  :)

I will give a short version story of why I even started a blog called "CancerSucks."   Because it does.  I had cancer almost 20 years ago, and now I'm facing it again.  The situations are totally different and I'd give anything if my diagnosis was different this time.  Before I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  Three months of radiation and it was gone.  Bam!  Just like that. 

About six weeks ago, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer.  Its an ugly cancer. A mean cancer. An aggressive cancer.   It can be treated, but it is a little more difficult than just your typical run of the mill breast cancer.  (just my luck, huh?) 

I wasted several weeks in Birmingham, at Kirklin Clinic, and finally got myself to Vanderbilt (thanks, Dad) where they immediately assured me that while my cancer wasn't the kind to play nice,  they would do everything they could to save my life.  That is all I wanted to hear.  I am supposed to start my first treatment this coming Wednesday, so while I'm a nervous wreck over it... I'm ready.  Bring it.