Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Update 12/28

So Christmas has come and gone.  Mitch is still listening to Christmas music. **sigh**  
I finally got in the Christmas spirt around, oh.... Christmas Eve.  LOL   I got some good stuff- a new phone, a Kindle Fire, some new leather shoes and some fancy perfume.  Jordan got all Polo stuff, so he was happy.  Mitch got some overalls, some new shirts, some Bama lounge pants and some high dollar cologne.  The most important thing was he was here this year. And so was I.

I had my 4th chemo yesterday.  I'm bouncing off the walls today (thank you, steroids). I gave both yorkies MUCH NEEDED baths and have done about 45 loads of laundry. Well, not that many- but close.  Last night I couldn't sleep. My body was tired, but my mind was in overdrive. I hate that.  I thought I'd be tired today, but no such luck. 

I met with my nurse practitioner yesterday, Katie.  I love her.  She said I was doing better than expected on the chemo and kept asking if I was having different side effects and I was proud to answer "not yet" to every one of them.  No neuropathy. No mouth sores. No nausea. No constipation or diarrhea, no changes in appetite.....  so far I have only gotten a little tired on days 3 & 4 after treatment.  **knock on wood**    She thinks I will still be backed off one of my drugs soon-- said there was no need to keep "hittin' me hard" if it wasn't necessary.  It sort of makes me nervous to back down... I don't want this cancer thinking we're letting up on it.

I have a PET scan coming up so we'll see how the cancer is responding to the chemo.  PLEASE PRAY IT HAS SHRUNK!!!  

That is about all that has happened lately....  I know,  not too exciting, huh?  LOL  
Well... just about ALL of my hair has come out now.  I am sporting a hat most days (only late at night, when I'm totally by myself do I prance around in all my baldness... lol)  I just can't get used to not having hair up there.  :(  

Thanks for the continued prayers and support.... it means the world to me.  And I want to thank my husband for being beside me every step of the way.   :)


  1. You are doing awesome. So
    Proud if you my dear friend. Much love

  2. Your bravery is inspiring. Much love to you and Mitch.

  3. You. So. Rock. Pumpkin. <3

  4. You are a rockstar. Ahhhhh cancer is tough but you are tougher
    GIRL FREAKIN POWER. I love these non-eventful updates. Leanna, you just keep on keepin on. Love ya!

  5. The Lord is going to use u in a mighty way! Will continue to lift u and yours up!
    Luv to all!

