Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Port is in....

I arrive at Vanderbilt about 8:15.  Everybody in the Interventional Radiology Department is super nice.  A man name Collin came in and explained everything that would be done in both the port placement and the spine biopsy.  He even bought out a port to show me exactly what it would look like and where it would go and what it did.  He sat back there in my room with us and talked with us for a while.... made it very comfortable. Mitch sat back there with me and having him with me helped a lot.  He has been my rock through this whole thing and just him being close to me does more for me than any pill I could take for anxiety. 

They came and wheeled me back to the procedure room and after administering the Fentanyl and Versed, I honestly dont remember anything.  I didn't feel anything.  Even after "coming to",  I still felt nothing.  I thought, "Hmmm,  this is alright!!"    I then was wheeled back to my waiting area and within a few minutes, someone comes to get me to take me to another procedure room for my spine biopsy.  I laid on my stomach (the port area was still numb so I didn't even feel it)   I remember just a small prick between my shoulders which was the numbing shot and then that was about it.  I vaguely remember some pushing and pressure I suppose when they were getting the biopsy from the bone, but there was no pain involved.  The next thing I know I was being wheeled back into the recovery area.   STILL NO PAIN AT ALL from either procedure. 

Mitch was handed a stack of paperwork, and after waiting about 30 minutes, I was free to go.  I didn't even have to use the wheelchair.. I just walked right out of there.   NO PAIN STILL. 

Well,  about an hour before getting home... the feeling started coming back.   And it came back fast.   My dad drove over some railroad tracks and I thought I was gonna scream.  LOL  

On a scale of 1-10, right now my pain is about a  7.5.    It feels extremely bruised and is very swollen.  It hurts to move my arm.  It hurts to cough (which I still am)   I took a percocet about an hour ago and its not even touching it.    I am going to lay down, but wanted to update this first. 

Thank you to everybody that has texted, called, and contacted me on FB to check on me.  It means a lot to know I'm being thought about and prayed for. 


  1. You are such a tuff momma. I hope the pain dissapates soon. Im thinking of you. I'm glad you got some thanksgiving food today. Rest and heal my friend. Big Texas hugs and much love. ~Les

  2. leanna,we are all praying for you and prayers do work especially in mass proportions.even though we have never met i feel as if i've known you forever through your mom since we have been friends all our lives.keep that positive attitude and winning smile, we are all behind you. brenda griggs
