Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is this thing on????

Ok. I am a Facebooker, not a Blogger.  I am going to TRY this blogging thing just to save from clogging up my FB with cancer stuff.  Its much easier writing "notes", but I'm sure people are getting sick of it already. 
I will post this blog address on my FB and probably from now on, I will use THIS as a means of keeping everyone updated on my progress. I'm sure I'll have good days, and I'm sure I'll have not-so-good days.  Mitch will have access to this, so if you see a post starting out "Mitch here...."   then you'll know I must not be having a good day, and I apologize now for any language you might read.  His vocabulary is much more colorful than mine.  lol
Well... if you are reading this, then that means you must think enough about me to check on me, so thank you.  :)

I will give a short version story of why I even started a blog called "CancerSucks."   Because it does.  I had cancer almost 20 years ago, and now I'm facing it again.  The situations are totally different and I'd give anything if my diagnosis was different this time.  Before I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  Three months of radiation and it was gone.  Bam!  Just like that. 

About six weeks ago, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer.  Its an ugly cancer. A mean cancer. An aggressive cancer.   It can be treated, but it is a little more difficult than just your typical run of the mill breast cancer.  (just my luck, huh?) 

I wasted several weeks in Birmingham, at Kirklin Clinic, and finally got myself to Vanderbilt (thanks, Dad) where they immediately assured me that while my cancer wasn't the kind to play nice,  they would do everything they could to save my life.  That is all I wanted to hear.  I am supposed to start my first treatment this coming Wednesday, so while I'm a nervous wreck over it... I'm ready.  Bring it.


  1. I do care, I am checking and will be following. Thinking of you daily and will talk to you soon. Love ya! Jyl

  2. Ok, so I +1'd that will keep me posted. Praying for you sweetie. I know you can beat this again. Stay strong and positive, as you always seem to be.

  3. I care! I check on you everyday when I get home by looking on facebook. If people are getting sick of hearing about it then screw them! This is your life we are talking about! I think most people want to know how you are doing and what is going on. I am always looking for an update:) I understand what you are saying though. I am gonna keep checking everyday for new updates. LOVE U!

  4. My prayers are with you and your family, My heart sinks each time I think of you, and your family. I pray for you often. I can tell by all your post, you are strong, and a positive person. God will see you through this. Praying for you, with Gods Love, janice
